Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Link's Awakening (Switch) - Thoughts

 A fantastic remake of a game long ago made for exploration and finding the many secrets of the dreamy landscape of Koholint Island, spreading out across the sea, given Link's shipwrecked nature trapped on the island with no way off, needing Link alone to save the day and free himself from the Island's clutches.

Also, and this is for the remake fans, so I don't forget it, THE CRANE GAME WHY

Friday, February 14, 2025

Whose Line Hoedown - Scuba Diving

 Here I am, diving under the ocean blue,

Searching for a treasure I know here to be true,

I don't know why it didn't come to me before,

but I now search for the hidden Jewel Score!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Star Wars Episode 4 - Thoughts

 One of the most influential movies of all time when it comes to the Science Fiction Genre, that birthed from it a series of movies, both sequel and Prequel, that still defy it's fandom to this very day about what is the best movie of the 9, which created two timelines of stories and created a series still dominated in popular culture.

And on it's own, from beginning to end, a simple story of a Farm Boy wrapped up in a Alliance's mission to stop the superweapon of an evil empire. Simple and to the point.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Manga) - Thoughts

 One of the best Zelda stories retold and given new life, as once again, like the Fate of Atlantis, with added details and characters to more flesh out the tale of the young Link, his Uncle, and the threat Hyrule faced under the rule of Ganon and his disciples, having taken the Sacred Realm for themselves and having nearly killed all of the Knights of Hyrule.

This Link, is but a simple farmer, A farmer with a dream of an apple orchard, forced onto a path to save the princess of the kingdom after he sees his Uncle struck down and being thrust onto the path of his parents and forbearers before him. 

Honestly, if you can't play a Link to the Past, the Manga is a fantastic retelling of the story, quick, to the point, but unique as a sort of embellishment of the tale.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (Comic) - Thoughts

Sometimes an adaptation is far more well known than the story it originally came from. This is true of quite a few stories over the years, from the Original Wizard of Oz to the 1939 film, to Pinocchio and it's Disney counterpart, to even the Swiss Family Robinson. However, sometimes this does happen in a more modern setting, in a more modern time, as with the case of the Fate of Atlantis.

Everyone knows of the point and click adventure which is touted as the true "4th Movie" of the Indiana Jones series, from it's multiple pathways to it's ending, to Indiana's partner of the story Sophia, and the trip around the world being a sort of bridging point between the Religious Artifacts of the original Trilogy, and the more Space-Time trinkets of the new series.

However, what originally began the Fate of Atlantis, was a comic, one that had a few interesting side pieces and characters cut from the game, a much more fleshed out tale (like one of Kerner's attempts at Atlantean relics actually sending Indiana to the Hospital), to Marcus having more to do with the plot and helping Indiana plan his journey to find Atlantis before the Nazis, and even Sophia gets more to do, with her hi-jacked mind by that of the Atlantean Leader, to actually helping Indy on his adventure to find the clues to the sunken city.

From a fan of the game, it is a refreshing breath of air to read a new version of the tale which captivated Indiana Jones fans even now.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Dungeons & Degenerates - Thoughts

 So after Balatro kind of created this sort of gambling Roguelike sub-genre, there were a few other ideas that could have been made and twisted and turned into their own sort of games. However, instead of Poker, they needed to stand out on their own.

And what better to stand out than the second game that is always played by bad guys in movies when it's not Poker, but the game of 21. Blackjack.

Instead of Jokers, it is the cards themselves that run the gambit and the powers, trying to get as close to the limit as possible (With also using their powers to control the game) without busting and taking such a hit it makes you want to restart the entire run.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Whose Line Hoedown - Prom

 We're nearing the time of year, when young love blossoms,

The time of the senior prom, where people dress like albino possum,

The gathering of friends, Acquaintances, and the odd one who calls themselves Zeus,

Everyone just prays that the DJ doesn't start playing Footloose!

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Void Bastards - Thoughts

 So what happens if you take the FPS genre, take from the genre of roguelike just enough to make it a sort of mix between survival and Rogue elements, add in a comic style and humor like it's straight from the 1980s? Also, you make this entire setting that we are trapped in a nebula that has the power to turn anyone not the player into creatures and mutations bent on hurting anything not them, while also showing off the EVILS OF CAPITALISM?

Sometimes I have grown to like certain games out of my comfort zone in a couple of ways, as my tastes for the Retro begin to settle in more and more in a Post-Pandemic world, but sometimes it is best to set everything aside, turn off the brain, and enter another world that is gripping just from the word go.

A group of freeze-dried and desiccated inmates in a prison transport ship get trapped in a Nebula known for it's ability to turn anyone not protected into Mutations, while also being hunted by Pirates looking for valuable salvage to sell.

Sometimes, throwing everything into the sink just works fantastically well.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Whose Line Hoedown - Knight

 I'm a Knight in Shining Armor, with spear in hand, and Heart of Pure Courage,

Off to Save the Beautiful Maiden, Nothing else to Discourage.

Soon I'll find my way to the Haunted Castle, with Dragon on Guard,

Atop my Trusty donkey steed, and my friendly Village Bard!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

An Unearthly Child (TV Episode) - Thoughts

 One of the most groundbreaking science fiction shows of all time, one that has lasted for over 60 years, one that has won numerous awards and have made many a career and told many a story about both the world today and also leading us towards the future, a show which could be anywhere and any when, and open to so many possibilities...

It almost seems obvious when one looks back, but we open on this series, on a single, small, interesting tale about an Old Man, his granddaughter, and two of the granddaughter's teachers as they are flung back in time to see cavemen and their lives, and help deal with a small power struggle within a caveman tribe.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Balatro - Thoughts

 So, what if I told you that you could have all of the creature comforts of playing poker, without the threat of losing all your money to the house over a bad couple of hands?

Trying to play over and over Balatro, trying to learn when or what is the best hands to use when, along with the myriad of jokers at your disposal, trying to create each run and make the best run possible, even beyond the 8 ante limit into the endless, trying to make the exact runs to reach Infinite Score and the endless possibilities.

Or you could be Frezno Infernos and win on your second game with the Glory that is Two Pair?

Welcome to Balatro.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Whose Line Hoedown - Snow

Winter's made it's chilly call, on this Friday Afternoon.
It looks like the North Pole, from here down as far as it looks to Cancun.
With school out it gives a child a beautiful sledding opportunity,
Just make sure not to turn into a George of the Jungle Parody.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

An Unearthly Child (Target Novelization) - Thoughts

 (Warning: Possible Spoilers ahead)

A  new year means a new year's resolution for me to possibly go around and explore using when I am trying to figure out just exactly I want to do and how I want to do it. 2024, as a whole, was not perfect in the mental health department, but it did give me enough time to ponder on just exactly what I wanted to do and how I wanted to explore my options coming into the new year. 

It's what led us to this point, where I have lead the few who dare to come past the spoiler tag into, and as such, welcome. Over the year I will be discussing and talking about various Media I have read into, or watched, or seen, mainly as a way to get my mental juices flowing and get me consistently writing, so I do apologize if it does sound like I am rambling. I am merely putting my feet together to try and figure out a way of doing this.

So then. An Unearthly Child.

Some of you may have heard of this name because of the backlash from it not being able to be easily viewed thanks to a child trying to cling onto their father's work and claiming that they were the first and as such, the "Birth", of Doctor Who. While this claim is completely laughable, we are not yet talking about the Episode which created from it an over 60 year franchise that has found new and innovative ways to reinvent itself against changing norms and changing narratives.

One such reinvention was reintroducing the way that they brought back stories of old to the children, in the days before VHS. (For younger Audiences, VHS was the Video Medium before DVD) This was what became known, and what became heralded, as the "TARGET NOVELIZATION", A short form where the writers of Doctor Who could bring back these old stories that were either lost to time or weren't being shown any longer, and rerelease them to the public to let them be re-experienced in a new and fascinating manner.

An Unearthly Child is an ok "Time Travelers meet Caveman" story. None of the future things that people know Doctor Who for are here, not the alien timelord (He is merely the Doctor here, and he does not act the way he would, even later in the incarnation), we have the introduction of his granddaughter, and two of her human schoolteachers. Honestly though, for the introduction story, it is a fine way to show the premise and get everything settled and moving forward (Before of Course the Dead Planet came in and well...Dalekmania).

But this story, retold nearly 20 or so years later, in the 80s, would give a fresh coat of paint on the story, reintroduce the original tale to the youth, and show them how this time travel show began. Which, honestly, barring two things, is a very faithful adaptation to the script of the episode, with some added flourish by Famous and noted Doctor Who writer and Former Script Editor Terrance Dicks.

First, is the way that the original episode is written, trying to adapt both the broadcast version, and the Pilot episode, which are nearly identical (Barring the complete lack of pacing for the Pilot, the attack of Ian to the Doctor by Susan calling out for them to stop her grandfather...I know as a Doctor Who fan this is almost blasphemy, but I would trade the pilot for Marco Polo so Season 1 could be finished). 

Secondly, we need to briefly mention the idea of rose-tinted glasses. The First Doctor in the original episode is a bit of a grump, a jerk, he does not care about others (except for his granddaughter) and the superiority of himself that these people aren't listening to him. An Unearthly Child is the introduction to the Time Traveler to having companions, he would be very angry, in terms of his character at this moment.

Sadly, in this part, is where the book somewhat lacks, where how the lines remained the same, the way he acts in the book brings up images of a later 1st Doctor, one who has already gone through and aged past the original's coldness and near total apathy towards the Cavemen and the humans, to the point of walking over with a pointed rock.....and well, you get the picture.

Overall, it is a fascinating book to read, although it is a bit of a victim of rose-tinting the past.

However, I recommend people do go out and try to read it, if they can.