Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Link's Awakening (Switch) - Thoughts

 A fantastic remake of a game long ago made for exploration and finding the many secrets of the dreamy landscape of Koholint Island, spreading out across the sea, given Link's shipwrecked nature trapped on the island with no way off, needing Link alone to save the day and free himself from the Island's clutches.

Also, and this is for the remake fans, so I don't forget it, THE CRANE GAME WHY

Friday, February 14, 2025

Whose Line Hoedown - Scuba Diving

 Here I am, diving under the ocean blue,

Searching for a treasure I know here to be true,

I don't know why it didn't come to me before,

but I now search for the hidden Jewel Score!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Star Wars Episode 4 - Thoughts

 One of the most influential movies of all time when it comes to the Science Fiction Genre, that birthed from it a series of movies, both sequel and Prequel, that still defy it's fandom to this very day about what is the best movie of the 9, which created two timelines of stories and created a series still dominated in popular culture.

And on it's own, from beginning to end, a simple story of a Farm Boy wrapped up in a Alliance's mission to stop the superweapon of an evil empire. Simple and to the point.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Manga) - Thoughts

 One of the best Zelda stories retold and given new life, as once again, like the Fate of Atlantis, with added details and characters to more flesh out the tale of the young Link, his Uncle, and the threat Hyrule faced under the rule of Ganon and his disciples, having taken the Sacred Realm for themselves and having nearly killed all of the Knights of Hyrule.

This Link, is but a simple farmer, A farmer with a dream of an apple orchard, forced onto a path to save the princess of the kingdom after he sees his Uncle struck down and being thrust onto the path of his parents and forbearers before him. 

Honestly, if you can't play a Link to the Past, the Manga is a fantastic retelling of the story, quick, to the point, but unique as a sort of embellishment of the tale.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (Comic) - Thoughts

Sometimes an adaptation is far more well known than the story it originally came from. This is true of quite a few stories over the years, from the Original Wizard of Oz to the 1939 film, to Pinocchio and it's Disney counterpart, to even the Swiss Family Robinson. However, sometimes this does happen in a more modern setting, in a more modern time, as with the case of the Fate of Atlantis.

Everyone knows of the point and click adventure which is touted as the true "4th Movie" of the Indiana Jones series, from it's multiple pathways to it's ending, to Indiana's partner of the story Sophia, and the trip around the world being a sort of bridging point between the Religious Artifacts of the original Trilogy, and the more Space-Time trinkets of the new series.

However, what originally began the Fate of Atlantis, was a comic, one that had a few interesting side pieces and characters cut from the game, a much more fleshed out tale (like one of Kerner's attempts at Atlantean relics actually sending Indiana to the Hospital), to Marcus having more to do with the plot and helping Indiana plan his journey to find Atlantis before the Nazis, and even Sophia gets more to do, with her hi-jacked mind by that of the Atlantean Leader, to actually helping Indy on his adventure to find the clues to the sunken city.

From a fan of the game, it is a refreshing breath of air to read a new version of the tale which captivated Indiana Jones fans even now.