Tuesday, March 15, 2022

An Introduction of Sorts.

 So. Hello. It is wonderful to meet you, but in weird and in slightly different circumstances. My name is MichaelWhovian, I run a small YouTube channel and I have been in a video or two on others, as I explore my options in what is called an odd exploration of life. I find this odd that I am exploring this in word, because as I am reading my own words, they are coming out in jumbled phrases or some sort of botched speech that I never thought I would say. The reason Why before this are 6 oddly cut and copied stories, is because those 6 are stories I am proud of writing, and while I am proud of more, I thought those 6 would be a good introduction to some of the writing that could be expected here. I am not a blogger in a sense. I can barely write a three-page essay before I go copying my own words five times and stumble over myself trying to explain what in the hell I said or what I am getting at. It's why two of my friends recommended actually USING this website for something besides just having it sit in some unused part of the internet and be empty, but actually use it to tell my thoughts and explore my thinking on things.

I am known for quite a few hot takes. A few have gotten interactions that are best described as laughter inducing, but it is a different way to explain them. I will come by every now and again, and write down a few ideas, or have a rant, or tell a story, and I hope each and every one of you will come along on the adventure.

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