Sunday, May 8, 2022

Minisode: A Quiet Moment

 Minisode: A Quiet Moment

    The dimly lit TARDIS console room hummed with a slight tone of snore, as lights flickered underneath the console, multiple different wires and pieces of electronics lay scattered across the floor, each one of them ticking, whirling, or blinking away. Joining them under the console, as seen through the naked eye, was a pair of legs, kicking and moving, as the Professor worked tirelessly on his console from within the jungle of wires and technology. His mind was running through many different thoughts and scenarios as he eyed through the tech that was now leading under the console into a room full of technology and wiring from many different universes and eras. The backup room. 

"Now where is the fault this time..." The Professor muttered to himself, as he finally crawled down this makeshift rope ladder, upside down, to reach the room. After his flight away from Gallifrey in the height of the War, he decided that in order to finally cut himself from them, he would need a way to keep his TARDIS running in tip-top shape all the time, no matter the cost. That cost led him to the Backup room, where all of the systems of the TARDIS were run through multiple pieces of these technologies strewn everywhere on shelving, on the floor, in the walls, wherever there was space to do so. This was done in order to keep the TARDIS alive, and without repairing her systems, if something were to fail, it would just kick in one of the many backups daisy chained along the many pieces of tech. However, that did lead to many different faults to adapt and form, and tonight was no exception. As he followed the faulty wire through the tech, he finally found himself in front of the fault locator, more so an old typewriter connected with antenna and constantly typing out each and every system on the loop. He gave a sigh, when he noticed it giving just a single letter report on each line, like it was skipping a beat, and with some quick maneuvering, popped the key out of the typewriter and back in, returning the locator to working order.

"Fault with the fault locator..." The Professor whispered to himself. "I always get the odd jobs, especially down here..." 

At that moment, the TARDIS thrummed, her lights brightening up a bit.

The Professor smiled a bit. "Good Morning, I didn't mean to wake you up, I was trying to finish repairs." He quickly returned to the rope ladder and climbed out of the backup room, the TARDIS thrumming to him. "Yes, another night of boredom, I didn't want to just go somewhere again."

She thrummed at him again, almost pegging at him for his remarks, as he sighs.

"Yes, Yes, I know, don't be alone, Don't let myself wander-" The TARDIS thrummed at him louder, The Professor eyeing up as he crawls out of the console, looking at his faithful companion all these years. "I just wanted a moment or two. Maybe to let myself just think."

The sounds of whirling next echoed the console room, the Professor pats the console before giving a small smile.

"I know, I know. Everyone needs a moment alone every now and again, don't they?"

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