Thursday, June 1, 2023

Star Trek: StarTraveler - Captain Ruby Log #1

 I choose to write these out of duress rather than meddle or deal with new age tech saving my voice to be found by anyone. As Proven, there are spies from the Empire leaking out everywhere and the best thing for me would be to keep my appearances down to a minimum outside of the ship, except for when we go out on missions. I'm not giving any of those bastards any sort of leg up or gifting my location to them on a silver platter.

Since this is the first log on a new ship, I am being forced to introduce myself because apparently this is young schooling and no one can read a crew list to save their live, don't get me started....

I am Resistance Captain Marissa Ruby, former captain of the liberated Imperial starship StarStriker, and now Co-Captain of the USS StarTraveler with my alternate from this universe, a scientific Orion. While I admit adjusting to this universe has been a difficult endeavor, it has been nice to feel safe at least around someone who can understand your emotions, since they are technically her own to feel as well, and to have one's back.

Today marks the first day the crew is allowed to come onboard the ship and begin remodeling the ship to how they see fit. We are not setting off for a couple more weeks, however I have already begun to deal with idiots and morons who don't seem to realize how to deal with the most basic of situations or know how to type a single word on an old Recorder in order to write their own dam reports, it has started to make me want to pull my own hair out.

Now, if you excuse me, It would seem someone has started a fight in one of the decks and has not invited me to it.


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